Tests and stars - Esf net
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See the results of the Stars tests
Go on “the slope of stars”: from “Ourson” to the gold star, track the progress of and knowledge of your children. What will be their next medal? 


Technique, self-confidence, knowledge of the mountain environment... esf is much more than just a school.

From 1945, when our esf instructors taught "French skiing" until today, esf innovates and turns the mountain into a place of fulfillment open to all.
Learn more 


The mountain is a fabulous playground. But it is necessary to know it well and to know yourself

esf s'inscrit depuis toujours dans une démarche de prévention et de sécurité. Connaître ses capacités, ses limites, maîtriser le geste, observer son environnement, pour skier serein. 


Refine your technique and aim for the podium with the help of our esf instructors. 

Exceed your limits, face your friends, dream of victory in the most beautiful competitions: esf is always by the side of those who want to go far. 

Alpine skiing tests 

From your first steps on the snow to the highest level of competition, gain in technique and ease.

Nordic skiing tests

Work on the precision of the gesture to optimize your effort in classic Nordic skiing or skating.

Nordic skiing tests

Work on the precision of the gesture to optimize your effort in classic Nordic skiing or skating.

Freestyle tests 

Exprimez votre talent, laissez parler votre inspiration : à la clé, la figure parfaitement exécutée.